Advertising > One Sheets
VersaMe was doing most of its heavy marketing lifting online. It made sense (sorry print pubs), but even still, there was always a need for printable downloads and leave-behinds for meetings, that kinda thing. When we shifted focus to our Partner program, we needed specific materials for all that. Plus, we brought on sales reps to follow-up leads in a couple of industries we were getting traction with. And those guys love leave-behinds.
We’d already made a killer brookchure (I think every time I mention it I’m going to change the name), that covered a LOT of ground for the various organizations that could use the Starling. But once we got a nibble, we needed something to send them that was more specific and direct in asking for the sale. That’s where these little one-sheets came in. They were informative advertorials that acted as really brief product brochures for each field. If you’ve read any of my bits about brochures, you know I have a sort of system. For a one-sheet, the rules are the same, but also a little different. While no one wants to read a brochure OR a one-sheet, if they’re holding it then they did qualify for a call to action. So, they’re a little more likely to read at least a little bit (if not half) of your long copy. And for this format, the eye-candy rule still applies. Pepper the thing with visual stimuli and repeat your points over and over in pull-quotes and captions. Keep things brief, lively and kinetic, with an eye on the hierarchy of your messaging.
DAVE SOPP – Creative
Yep, that’s me. I’ve got over 20 years of marketing strategy, graphic design, advertising art direction, and illustration experience. Want to use some of it? Email me at